Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Screw The Bloody Title !

Come lay beside me, this won't hurt I swear
She loves me not, she loves me still, but she'll never love again
She'll lay beside me, but she'll be there when I'm gone

Black heart scarring darker still
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there

=> Metallica - The Unforgiven II

These lines plus the fact that N is hopelessly in love got me thinking about relationships and all. Now, undeniably, all of us would have experienced it at some point of time r the other. And it left me wondering why I haven't got into one as of yet. So the analysis began!

I was trying to figure the answer out when I realized that it's my weirdness that puts most people off. Apart from my seemingly rude nature to a lot of people. So the answer is pretty clear. I don't let myself be liked by a lot of people... except a few and those few know what stuff I am made up of. Then I got wondering... It's the same as predicted by my Sun-Sign. So that meant, the planets and heavenly bodies influence my personality (that's what astrology is all about, isn't it?) And planets are linked to Gravitational Force. And in a way, it's a living experience and proof of Mach's principle. HOLY SHIT!! One more stupefying realization... WOW!!

For those of you that don't know what Mach's principle is, it roughly says that "We exist because everything around us exists" or "Every object in the universe is related to every other object in the Universe."

So does this just mean that what I am and who I am and the way I am is a result of gravitational force... Am I just a perturbation in the spacetime continuum... Forget spacetime. Is all of humanity just a set (or perhaps a packet as in wave packet) of perturbations in a possibly higher spatial dimensional universe?

How complex must this perturbation (me) be, if it has the capacity to feel and/or analyze such complex emotions such as love, write blog posts and even listen to Dream Theater while doing it!! OK, that's amazing all right... Simply amazing!! This also means that if anyone actually found the equation that governs the infinite body relation, life itself would be governed by that relation. HOLY FUCK!!! Sexy, ain't it??

Really more amazing is the fact that this perturbation is actually realizing that he is a perturbation and the perturbation is not getting distorted because of that. Which brings us to really the most fundamental question ever... What exactly is Life? Or Why are we here?

I know my head'll break if I think over it, so ppl leave comments answering my question. And the video of Unforgiven II is touching in a weird kind of way... The guy buries the key in the gal... How cool is that? What does it mean? Damn, too many questions popping up. I don't like it one bit. Now I've just confused myself even more.


Thus he used Profanity... The Arcane Crapper.

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