Tuesday, April 18, 2006


His body ached with the scars of the bloody battle. But in the end, it was he had won after all. The skies poured a cleansing rain. Extinguished the fires. Washed away the evils inflicted by the scourge.

He saw the smiles and the pride on the faces of his friends, his elders and his lover. And he climbed onto that majestic rock. That rock, standing upon the the end-point of which, everything he could see till the horizon was his Kingdom. A Kingdom, rightfully his, now reclaimed from a tyrant.

His every step reeked with a majestic nature as his body inched forward to the very end of this monumental rock. And he roared. He roared a roar that instilled happiness and pride in recognizing their true King. A King who remembered who he was. His Father's Son and the One True King. King Simba on Pride Rock, destined to continue the Circle of Life.


I positively LOVE the ending of LION KING. One helluva movie!!!

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