Thursday, January 27, 2005

Lesbians Are Boring

All riggghhhtt!! Now what's today's subject of mindless crapping? Beats me.

Now lemme start off with a statement which confirms how utterly bored I was during the one hour droning session wherein I was verbally tortured by my lesbian friend. Maaannn, why do people talk so much? Just because I made the mistake of remarking that this female is cute, she has stuck on like a leech to me. Bhagwan, mujhe bachao... But then again, lemme give this character some more time to express her views. Half the stuff I hear about her is gossip. So let there be light!! Tadan tada.... (Blowing trumpets and all..) Maybe that lesbian is a different person inside.

But on the other hand... Daaaammmmnnnn!!! I should have crushed Nikita's hand today. It's not everyday that I can do that to a model. And pretend that it was unintentional ;-)

Got moi exams from 31st. God help me with Hindi. I'm gonna flunk that anyway...

Thus signs off the Arcane Crapper

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