Sunday, April 03, 2005


I was out for a walk, a couple of days back... As I was returning home, I saw this pup, a street dog I guess, which was starved to the bone. When I say 'to the bone' I mean 'to the bone'. Poor thing. I started wondering ki I have it quite comfortable in life. Food, Shelter, Comforts (such as venting out via a blog)... but what does that poor pup have? Zero, Zilch, Nada, Nothing... Given my bad memory, I still remember the scene quite well... The pup was sitting curled up between the roots of a tree, in front of the concrete casing covering the trunk.

When all these things were running through my head, it's eyes met mine, time stood still and it tore me and I bled mentally. The look of sadness and tiredness in it's pearl mica black eyes is hardly a thing that mere words can describe. That picture was worth a Kazillion words. As I stood, staring into it's eyes, in that split second, an inexplicable sadness coursed through me and I felt weak... unable to do anything within my power to help that poor thing. I do not know if it is still alive... I cannot help but regret at the thought that maybe I could have done something for it. Made me remember the mythological story where this dude refuses to go to heaven until he is allowed to take the stray dog, which had been following him, to heaven. Compassion is now officially dead.

And sometimes I am just indifferent to the woes of other living beings including humans. I am just worthless. Our whole human race is a bunch of self-centred parasitic scum.

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