Sunday, April 03, 2005


What happens when you are stuck in a dream? A dream so real that you cannot distinguish between reality and dreams? Yes, I know, I know - The Matrix.

But then, when you dream a dream that you feel is so very real, and you know that you are in the midst of a dream, and for some strange reason, you just cannot wake up no matter how hard you try. THAT IS SCARY!! Most definitely scary...

I had exactly one such dream yesterday night. There was this guy who was a human sacrifice and I vaguely remember a huge stone temple and a blood red sunset when I hear this piercing scream. The dream ends there and repeats. Now there is this prophet who warns me of the impending doom of this guy. I see a bike nearby (ok it was a blue Yamaha FZ-6 for you detail hogs) and I just inch closer to this dude and I am about to save him... I find myself at the beginning of the dream, I see the prophet again. He warns me again. But he adds a minor detail, minor but a crucial detail. I get close to the guy... The dream starts all over again...

Every time I got close to the altar and was about to save the guy, the dream would start all over again, and the prophet would add one more crucial detail. At one point I realized, there are no time-warps in real life so this had to be a dream and it was now repeating so often that I got used to it... Now I was terribly frightened... I knew I was in a dream yet I could not get out of this dream world... I was lving the same dream over and over again. Now my focus was not to save the guy but to alter my reality and wake up. HOW?? HOW?? HOW??

Well, the cold Bangalore weather made me wake up and I headed straight to the "Temple" to take a leak.

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