Friday, May 13, 2005


Sometimes when I look at the world around me, I see children starving, I see the forests cryin out in vain, I see suffocation, I see pollution, I see war... I see anger, hatred, jealousy, near and dear ones warring for material interests, backbiting each other... We a live in a world so cold, so indifferent, so murderous, so monotonous...

The other day, maybe like 3-4 days back, I am zooming in the polluted streets of Bangalore. Enter a little puppy... which walks in straight in my path. Yours truly, Arcane Crapper, brakes his over-the-speed-limit bike while skidding the rear tyre and doing a 30 degree wheelspin. The pup just whimpers and goes away. Arcane wipes the sweat off his forehead and heaves a sigh of relief. Pup walks away unhurt. Arcane creates a traffic jam behind him. He does not move on and let the traffic ease... why? Cos' he is too busy feeling sad for the pup. It's got nothing, man... No parents to take care of it, no buddies, nothing... Recalls a pup incident from a few days back.

Now, this is what made me write the opening lines. Maybe I am kiddish in demanding so, but I'd love a perfect utopian world where there is only peace... No hate, no regret, no hardships, a perfect world. Is it too much to ask for such a world? Maybe it is. As each day passes by, I just grow weary... weary of all the negative emotions... And what hurts the most is the feeling of powerlessness. I can't seem to fuckin' do anything about it.

Which reminds me... The Shanti Parva of the Mahabharata describes political rule to achieve a Utopian Society... Someone go tell all our bastard political leaders parking their asses on beds of platinum in their ivory towers. Sometimes when I recall S.T.Coleridge's poem -> Rime Of The Ancient Mariner; and an equally awe-inspiring Iron Maiden rendition which essentially says that we must love and respect all creatures god made, I am led to believe that today's world is dead.

And by the light of the moon
He prays for their beauty not doom
With heart he blesses them
God's creatures all of them too.

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