Thursday, January 19, 2006

Crappiram's Mixture - Volume 1
Something like Haldiram's Mixture, I guess

***Me, Friend 1 (Guy) and Friend 2 (Girl) at Friend 2's place***

ME : ***Says something stupid***

F2 : PODA!!! ***Pronounced Paw-da, with an elongated Paw as best described by Pooaaah-da***

F1 : Hey! What's that? I've heard of i-Pod but what's Poda? Is it a new mp3 player or something?

***Laughter accompanies the statement, followed by clutched stomachs***


I was riding my bike to college. I see this bird (musta been a hawk or a kite) flying twelve feet high. And it just dropped. I thought it died. I swerve to avoid running the bird over. But then, it somersaulted just as it touched the ground pressed it's claws on the ground, rebounded in a spring-like fashion and once again took flight, leaving me wide-mouthed. In awe.

DAMN!! Trillions of atoms reacting as a single entity to provide a breathtaking view of such a fluid inspirational motion. Awesome!

PS : Maybe our politicians should start appreciating such things. Maadarchods.


If you're a Mathematics Student, you woulda heard of Green's Theorem...

The Closed Path Integral of a Curve is equal to the Area Integral of the Surface bounded by the Curve.

Here's my version of Green's theorem...

The Closed Path Integral of the Curve bounding a Bra is equal to the Area Integral of the Surface of the Bra bounded by the Curve.

And it works only for Green Bras... That's why it's called Green's Theorem.

Now I wonder which Coordinate system to use for describing Bras and what they errr... support. Spherical polar coordinates?

I wonder if we can use Integration to find the exact volume of a girl's ass... Once that is established, we guys will not have any bitter quarrels over whose ass is bigger. Period. One way of doing it is to integrate, between limits 0 to Pi, a hyperbolic surface. On rotation, it gives the desired volume...

Who the hell said Mathematics was dull?

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