Saturday, May 13, 2006


High above on a bright blue sky, them Eagles did soar,
Watching us mortals wander for grace.
High above on a dark black sky, the thunder clouds did roar,
Watching us mortals, this semi-divine, frail human race.

Dancing consciousness, a Higher Power's mirth
Thine Images and Words, Divine Giver-and-Taker, My Maker
A preciousness, cleansing God's Green Earth
'twas a gift from you, a gift from the Rainmaker.

He stood beneath, looked up, danced with joy.
The rain, she played with him; was demure, sometimes coy.
Hands raised to the sky, said he - "Take away my pain..."
While Man-made objects stood by, impermeable to rain...

The others they stood, sheltered from reality,
So near yet so far away; In their minds, rain was a far cry.
Caught in Matters of Importance, illusory perceptivity,
So far away, yet so near; False notions, faces wry.

Dancing consciousness, a Higher Power's mirth
Thine Images and Words, Divine Giver-and-Taker, My Maker
A preciousness, cleansing God's Green Earth
'twas a gift from you, a gift from the Rainmaker.

The rain, she twirled his affections 'round her little finger,
Of the rain, he seemed, nay, was indeed a harbinger.
His vision, a horizon of water dispersed orange-red on a canvas of gold
His emotions she laid on a bed with hers, orange-red in a heart of gold.

Note : 1st pic taken by me. That's why it's not that good. Second pic, not taken by me. I repeat, not taken by me. Please do not credit me for that wonderful pic which I shamelessly ripped off the net.


Sita said...

i .love. the second picture.
awe-struck and all that.

Madhuswetha said...

nice pics i repeat nice pics....:)

Anonymous said...

and i was so close to complimenting you, tsk tsk

you'l never let me *sigh*

Anonymous said...

@Finch : Thx. :-P

@Sitey : Now you know. You still awe-struck?

@Foto.Iris : Thanx. :-)

@Blur : You'll never accomplish it in your seven lifetimes. :-P

Sita said...

yeah. awe-struck by the picture. i saw it on the flickr thing where you saif you flicked it off the net.
it's just the picture that's so goddamn amazing.

Anonymous said...

@Blur : Hehehe...

@Sita : Ok re. I forgot about the flickr thing.

@Actions : Thx... :-)